
Showing posts from May, 2020

Making Prudent Capital Investment with Ease Using Capital Expenditure Approval Software

A business usually takes some time to plan, budget, and execute its capital expenditure (Capex) projects. You can streamline and speed up the process by adopting a capital expenditure approval software, which can also ensure that every relevant Capex request will go through your stakeholders in proper order until they are approved or completed. One of the best things about using this kind of software is it stores all the important information in a single platform, so you only need to refer to that to see what needs to be done. This way, you can reduce administrative and human errors, while making your process more audit-friendly. Your business may have practiced manual capital expenditure approval for the longest time, but too much paperwork, spreadsheets, and meetings could slow the completion of your projects. Moreover, some requests are likely to be lost or ignored down the line. You can improve your process of studying the potential of certain investments with a capital expen...